One of the main activities of "RONITA" company, since the foundation of the firm,
is design, delivery, implementation (under special conditions) and services of
security systems for buildings and internal space areas.
The offered systems are on extreme technological level and with proved high quality.
At the beginning of its work, "RONITA" is the representative for Bulgaria of the
Italian manufacturer "MICROTEL".
The company offers high level of security with the help of improved and easy
to use systems. The increased stage of security is complemented by effective
integrated anti-sabotage technologies. Every single attempt for intervention
over the particular modules or the wiring is recognized and provoke alarming
or warning signal.
At the current date, "RONITA" company relies on the quality products
presented by different European and Bulgarian manufacturers.
Key elements of the offered solutions are:
High quality central units – autonomous with 2, 4, 6 and more zones,
armored, with integrated anti-sabotage systems, different types of communication
(interface) solutions – keyboards, keys, remote controls,
telephone dialers – possibility for signaling units for physical security.
Digital and analogue sensors for discrete security -
PIR (Passive Infrared sensors) and microwave sensors (as well as microwave barriers),
with possibility for non-detecting of home pets.
These devices are with high protection from radio disturbances,
they have automatic compensation of the temperature and different
cover areas (full cover of 360°, partial cover of 90°, 110°, etc.).
All of them include anti-masking protective systems.
Acoustic sensors for glass – suitable protecting windows and show cases.
Shock sensors - with high quality piezo-element,
appropriate for object protection of safes, cupboards, and also doors and windows.
Magnetic contacts – for spot protection of doors and windows.
High quality sirens – autonomous with and without signaling lamps,
for internal and external installation, possessing anti-sabotage mechanisms.
Wireless combined systems – entire solutions for protection,
without wiring, which combine different user functions.
Different types of access control systems – by key-less cards,
tags and other accessories, and even by biometric data like fingerprints
(exceptionally appropriate for cases demanding high level of security).
These systems represent intelligent solutions for logistics and control,
creating different levels of access, control over specified subject or area.
Video monitoring – by different types of cameras for internal or external
installation, with build-in infrared light or with separate infrared searchlight;
network (web) cameras; different types of professional monitors and
video recording devices, as well as accessories for the entire systems.
Professional high quality cables – screened, different types,
as well as wide range of plastic channels for cable installation.
Panic-keys (switches) and accessories for the whole range of the
offered solutions.